The Significance of Having Curly Hair

Grabbing LIFE by the A$$

Kara Zajac

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The alarm buzzed like several angry bees trapped inside a tin can, letting me know that it was, once again, time to get up and go. On Sunday mornings I rise early, drag myself out of bed, grab a cup of coffee, and head to church to warm up with the praise team as we prepare for the 8:45 Contemporary Worship Service. Although I was exhausted from playing with my rock n' roll band last night, (at a place where we actually got a better response playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for a trio of toddlers than when someone in the crowd sarcastically requested Freebird and we nailed it)I was happy to be exhausted as a result of living one of my dreams.

Once upon a time I thought I was going to spend my life on a tour bus playing late nights to sold out stadiums across America. Over the years the plan has changed drastically, but my passion is still the same and I feel fortunate that I am able to live that passion, as well as being a wife, mother, chiropractor, and writer. I love to play the drums whether it is in front of three dancing toddlers, a sold out stadium, or a church full of people praising the Lord. And even though I was tired as I sat lazily on the porch swing with the sun warming my face, when Senia Mae wanted to build a tent in the living room and watch Pee Wee's Big Adventure, I couldn't say no because I am aware that special times are, like everything else, limited.

Today my partner, Kim, learned that a dear friend's life was ending. She got the call as her friend was headed to the hospital, holding onto those final hours before she lost her battle with pancreatic cancer. They had gotten out of touch over the years and finally reconnected a few years ago. Kim was stunned to learn of her friend's terrible diagnosis at such a young age. But there seemed to be nothing anyone could do. In the end she was very thankful that they had found each other once again.

It hurts my heart to see people going through the motions of life but not living: afraid to take the chance, too lazy to make the time, or even worse, frozen in the pavement of procrastination. Instead of saying, "Maybe one day when we win the lottery," make it happen now, take a risk, follow your heart, remember what it feels like, spend the extra time, make that call, book the flight anyway, write the letter, shout it out for the whole world to hear because we are alive today... but we are not promised tomorrow.


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Kara Zajac

The Significance of Having Curly Hair

Kara Zajac is a writer, chiropractor, mother, wife, & musician. She earned her B.S. from SUNY and Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College. Kara maintains a practice in Dawsonville, GA, where she helps people revitalize their lives naturally with chiropractic and Braincore Neurofeedback. Kara is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist who currently plays drums with The Jessie Albright Band. Kara’s blog has been included in Top Mommy Bloggers and her work has been in Imperfect Life Magazine, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals, and Just BE Parenting. Her bibliography includes: The Significance of Curly Hair, The Special Recipe for Making Babies, and her current novel, The Waiting is the Hardest Part. An excerpt from The Significance of Curly Hair was published in Stigma Fighters, a magazine supporting people battling mental illness. 3 chaps. of The Significance of Curly Hair were published in 2/20 edition of the Scarlet Leaf Review. An excerpt from The Special Recipe for Making Babies was a finalist in 2022’s Charlotte Lit/Lit South Award for Nonfiction. Kara resides in the North Georgia Mountains with her wife, Kim, and daughter, Senia Mae.

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