The Significance of Having Curly Hair

Momma don't have a meltdown, someone's watching!

Kara Zajac

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Even though this picture is over a year old it is still one of my favorites and I have it proudly displayed in my chiropractic office. I love the way Senia Mae is looking at me and it reminds me that even when I am not paying attention...she is.

The other day a fairly new patient came in for an adjustment and saw this photo on the counter. She asked if that was my daughter. I concurred as she picked up the photo, staring at it for an uncomfortably long time. She analyzed the contents, the colors, the expressions on both of our faces, how we were holding each other, paying attention to the minute details of the photograph. I remembered how Gram used to do the exact same thing, sitting at the kitchen table with her magnifying glass, taking in the aspects of a photo that could be easily missed if you gave it only a quick glance.

"See this here?" she said pointing to Senia Mae's smirked expression, her eyes captivated by what I was doing, "She might not be listening to everything you are saying, but she's watching you. Kid's learn by example, she's going to mimic everything you do, and this here is direct proof she's watching!" I gasped at the thought. It is easy to get distracted in life and forget that my thoughts, my actions, my responses, my persona basically is being copied and formatted by my daughter. Yikes! Well, that's my first response, but it is a helpful reminder that I must be a positive influence in her life because she is indeed following my example. Next time I almost lose my temper or don't think what she is saying has much value I am going to reconsider my actions because how I act is equally as important as what I say.

It is amazing how little kids see their parents as larger than life sometimes. I have a memory of being in the first grade when I used to ride the bus to school. My mom didn't happen to view me catching the bus that particular morning and worried about my safety. My dad was working and we only owned one car at the time, so my mother decided to jog two miles to the elementary school to check on me. When I gazed out the window that overlooked the playground there she was peeking in! I remember my body instantly beaming with pride! That was my mom...and she ran here! I instantly stood up in front of the class and announced that my mom could run faster than the school bus! I wasn't exactly lying, in my mind she really could do anything. I was so proud and excited I just wanted to shout from the rooftops "That's my mom!"

When we become parents rarely do we realize the enormous responsibility we are taking on, not just caring for someone else, but being the role model they need to become good functioning members of society one day. I get nervous just thinking about the fact that I could be screwing up right now and not even be aware of the microscopic damage happening in my poor child's psyche! Fortunately a therapist friend of mine calmed me down one day by stating "if you are already worried about your child's mental health and well being you are far above average and probably on the right path!" That was somewhat settling. I know I am going to and already have made mistakes. I just hope that she absorbs more of the good stuff and has the ability to forgive all of the bad stuff! I love you, kiddo!


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Kara Zajac

The Significance of Having Curly Hair

Kara Zajac is a writer, chiropractor, mother, wife, & musician. She earned her B.S. from SUNY and Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College. Kara maintains a practice in Dawsonville, GA, where she helps people revitalize their lives naturally with chiropractic and Braincore Neurofeedback. Kara is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist who currently plays drums with The Jessie Albright Band. Kara’s blog has been included in Top Mommy Bloggers and her work has been in Imperfect Life Magazine, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals, and Just BE Parenting. Her bibliography includes: The Significance of Curly Hair, The Special Recipe for Making Babies, and her current novel, The Waiting is the Hardest Part. An excerpt from The Significance of Curly Hair was published in Stigma Fighters, a magazine supporting people battling mental illness. 3 chaps. of The Significance of Curly Hair were published in 2/20 edition of the Scarlet Leaf Review. An excerpt from The Special Recipe for Making Babies was a finalist in 2022’s Charlotte Lit/Lit South Award for Nonfiction. Kara resides in the North Georgia Mountains with her wife, Kim, and daughter, Senia Mae.

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